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Burning House


Mixed Media

63 x 50

November 2014


If my house was burning down, these are the things I would bring: the little tiny plant, a gift from my mom, so that I may at least save a life. An orange, so I have something healthy to eat, and sour enough to keep me focused. A perfume bottle, because I will probably be completely covered by the smell of smoke. A mason jar for some water or drinks. Mason jars are cool.


Each media had its own difficulty. The micron pens required detail - theres probably thousands of strokes in each section. The watercolor required speed control, depending on whether I wanted to layer colors or gradate them. The soft pastels were new to me, and weren't easy; I had to be careful wherever I touched, and had to learn to mix colors carefully, knowing where to keep as highlights and shadows. The same applied for the charcoal. The color pencils I enjoyed the most. It was interesting to see how much layering and realistic work I could do with these tools I've been using since kindergarten.

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© 2015 by NANA BOONORM

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